CBD - Did You Know That?

10 things about CBD that you didn’t know

The first medicinal use of hemp until 2700 BC.

Hemp, its seeds and its extracted oils have been widely used for more than 10,000 years for various purposes. It is one of the first domesticated plants to be used to make clothing, rope, paper and footwear, while its seeds and oils were used as food and medicine to treat various ailments.

The Egyptians created the topical use of cannabis

Cannabis was especially prevalent in the Middle East in the Middle Ages. Pharaoh Ramses II who ruled in ancient Egypt between 1279-1213 BC. he advised his people to take the cannabis plant as medicine.

Egiptenii au folosit canabis pentru a atenua durerea provocată de inflamație, precum și pentru a ajuta la tratarea durerii în timpul travaliului. De asemenea, egiptenii au folosit acest remediu pentru a vindeca durerea ochilor, cataracta și hemoroizii. Ei au înregistrat utilizarea medicală a plantei pe suluri care datează din 2000 î.Hr.

Royal families used CBD

Nowadays, CBD is considered a regulated component; however, it has been used throughout history. A remarkable example leads us in the 19th century to Queen Victoria, who ruled England between 1837 and 1901.

Numerous scientific evidence and anecdotes suggest the usefulness of CBD as an effective pain reliever in cases of chronic pain, muscle aches, wounds and injuries. The queen also seemed to know about this beneficial remedy and used CBD to relieve menstrual cramps


Cannabinoids work together

Because cannabis plants contain over 400 active compounds, including cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes, essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, fiber, protein and chlorophyll, such an active content may be more effective when combined together. 

In 1998, renowned researchers Raphael Mechoulam and S. Ben-Shabat discovered that the total natural compounds in cannabis could provide a stronger effect due to the synergistic work called the entourage effect. Taking CBD with other components found in hemp can maximize the beneficial effects of the compound.

While CBD itself has shown various benefits, the entourage effect increases the list of benefits, which means that full-spectrum CBD products offer more significant natural health properties, as opposed to products isolated from CBD.


CBD can counteract the effects of THC

While THC is known to cause euphoria, anxiety, paranoia and high levels of stress, along with intoxication, CBD offers the opposite effects. Not only is CBD a non-psychotropic compound, but it could also counteract the side effects of THC. For this reason, most users opt for CBD to treat anxiety and depression caused by minor side effects.


CBD is also CBD regardless of the source

CBD occurs naturally in the stems, flowers, stems, leaves and seeds of hemp and marijuana plants. When it comes to CBD sources, some consumers believe that CBD extracted from marijuana is stronger than CBD extracted from hemp. However, no matter where it is obtained, at the molecular level, CBD is still the same compound.

While the amount of CBD in dried hemp is usually lower than in some specially grown marijuana plants, once extracted, this difference becomes insignificant.

However, marijuana often includes lower concentrations of CBD than THC, unlike hemp, where the THC compound is not present at all.

CBD can increase appetite 

People with eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, may benefit from CBD’s ability to whet their appetite. It can improve appetite after relieving stress, which is a common reason for loss of appetite. When a person is stressed, the body’s basic homeostatic mechanisms do not work properly, including appetite.

CBD can help treat addiction

Drug use, both legally and illegally, can cause addiction or, in some cases, even death. However, research shows that CBD can act as an inhibitor to regulate addiction.

Cannabidiol could act as a 5-HT1a serotonergic receptor agonist and can control the stress response and compulsive behaviors. In other words, CBD blocks serotonin receptors that are responsible for the brain’s response to pleasure when using specific drugs, while calming the stress that encourages people to use drugs.


CBD is a beneficial remedy, even if you are healthy

Most people first turn to CBD when they face health problems, but CBD offers therapeutic and healing properties that are beneficial to anyone interested in improving their health.

A positive effect of CBD on the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) can help stimulate and support the body’s effective activity.

CBD oil is a natural source of various vitamins and minerals, including B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. It also contains protein, fatty acids and other essential dietary nutrients to support maintaining a complete, well-balanced and healthy diet.

For healthy people, maintaining the endocannabinoid system with CBD is a potential way to maintain optimal health. The balancing effects of CBD and its nutritional content can help your body receive the components needed for maximum performance every day.


CBD can be helpful for pets

Pets can benefit from the natural balancing qualities of CBD, just like many of us. All mammals, including dogs, cats, and horses, have an endocannabinoid system, which means that after administration of cannabidiol it can interact with this cellular signaling network to promote well-being.

CBD could support pet ECS to improve cardiovascular function, promote healthy joints, as well as neurological health and emotional behavior. Also, for many pets, a nutritional profile of CBD oil can complement the dietary requirements of their animals.

The market offers various CBD products specially designed for pets in traditional forms, such as oils, liquids and sweet products. 




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