CBD - Did You Know That?

Types of CBD: Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, Isolate vs Nano

It’s been a while, but society is finally embracing the therapeutic benefits of CBD. And in this time of acceptance and discovery, we also learn how different types of CBD are formed. Nowadays, the terms “full spectrum”, “broad spectrum”, “isolated” and “nano” are terms to describe these forms of CBD. But do we really know what each of them means and what they can do for us?

If you did not know or have been misinformed, you will figure out all your ambiguities at the end of this article when it comes to the terms mentioned above. 

As a compound of the plant Cannabis Sativa, CBD has been part of human history for at least 14,000 years. As the human race evolved into a civilized species and learned the basics of agriculture, Cannabis Sativa was one of the first species to be cultivated. Before the advent of science and the scientific name of plants and other species, people appreciated the healing and psychotropic properties of this plant, using it as food, for textiles, for medical help and, yes, for pleasure and relaxation!

As agriculture and cultivation progressed, cultivation and industry involving hemp developed. The major difference between cannabis and hemp is the absence of THC. Legally, any cannabis plant that contains less than 0.2% THC content is called hemp. However, the CBD content of cannabis in the form of hemp is not affected at all, which means that the medicinal properties of CBD could be accessed without THC being a danger and affecting the consumer.

The other compound in Sativa Cannabis, THC, produced more visible effects than CBD, affecting the mind and thought process. While many have enjoyed this feeling, and still enjoy it today, some restrictive leaders in the global politics of the twentieth century have reacted to its presence and use; Attempts have been made since the beginning of the 21st century to undo the damage that false information and various policies have had in banning cannabis.

The discovery of CBD

The first cannabis compound to be discovered was cannabinol (CBN) in the 1930s, and in 1940 Dr. Roger Adams discovered the compound cannabidiol (CBD). Two years later, scientists learned how to extract THC from cannabis.

Until the 1950s, quite a few pharmacological experiments were performed using various cannabinoids. During these early studies, the psychotropic properties of THC were clearly identified, but even more important was that CBN was determined to have very low potency as a psychotropic agent and it was found that CBD has absolutely no psychotropic properties. . For this reason, CBD rose rapidly in the environment of experiments and testing, because scientists could demonstrate that humans would not be mentally or intellectually affected by its use.

The four basic forms of CBD

Modern times are advancing rapidly, so we find that scientists have made fantastic and interesting advances in the use and application of CBD for health purposes. As part of this progress, new forms of CBD processing have emerged: you will find four major forms of CBD, which we will now examine more closely.

Full spectrum CBD

With full spectrum CBD, you can “have it all” because this form of CBD contains all the cannabinoids found in the plant from which it is extracted. It includes THC, but when you buy full-spectrum CBD oils or tinctures processed from hemp, the amount of THC included will never exceed 0.3%. This is a nominal amount of THC that cannot affect rational or thinking processes.

Many manufacturers prefer full-spectrum CBD products because of the “entourage effect” it can produce. An entourage effect refers to the combination of Phyto cannabinoids (THC and CBD are just two of the more than 120 Phyto cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant) and how they have a positive impact on the human endocannabinoid system, working together synergistically.

In addition to these additional elements, full-spectrum CBD also has terpenes and plant flavonoids for even greater benefits and effects. Terpenes are the molecules responsible for producing unique aromatic profiles for fruits, vegetables, spices and other plants. Flavonoids are polyneutrients found in most fruits and vegetables and, consistent with carotenoids, create color effects for every fruit and vegetable.

Some users prefer the full spectrum, seeing it as a holistic process that retains and uses all the compounds of the plant, giving it a good use in the human body. Note that full spectrum CBD extracted from a normal Cannabis Sativa plant would most likely have a THC content greater than 0.3%; in fact, some full-spectrum CBDs may have equal parts of CBD and THC. This means that you need to be careful when selecting full spectrum CBD to make sure you know if THC is included and how much.

Advantages and disadvantages of full spectrum CBD

Why might people choose full spectrum CBD? The following reasons are commonly expressed when people explain the choice of full spectrum CBD products:

Entourage Effect – “Full spectrum CBD will give you the most balanced and natural combination of phytocannabinoids from hemp and cannabis.”

Least processed CBD – “because everything is extracted in one process, the CBD component is processed only once.”

Terpenes and flavonoids – “users also benefit from the inclusion of natural terpenes and flavonoids found in the extracted plant.”

Again, there are strong reasons to avoid full spectrum CBD, including:

Drug screening – even traces of THC can appear on drug screening tests, which could mean losing a job, apartment or freedom.

Hemp aroma – natural aroma and hemp aroma can be strong for most people and overwhelming for some sensitive.

Local laws – some states have prohibitive laws that do not allow the presence of THC content, or allow a fairly small amount.

As you can see, it may not be a personal preference, but legal issues that may influence your choice of CBD products.

Broad spectrum CBD

Many experts believe that from full spectrum CBD to broad spectrum CBD is just a small step. This is due to the fact that the same process is used as in full spectrum CBD, except that one more step is added: all THC is removed after the compounds have been extracted from the plant. This is ideal for those concerned with ingesting any amount of THC in their system, while still taking advantage of the almost complete “entourage” effect that the shape of the full spectrum offers.

Again, the possibility of becoming “high” is completely eliminated from broad spectrum CBD, which means that there is no possibility of finding traces of THC in broad spectrum CBD. This “safety feature” may be why broad-spectrum CBD products remain in high demand. Because terpenes and flavonoids are normally included in the extraction process, consider broad-spectrum CBD as a “light” full-spectrum CBD.

Pros and cons of broad spectrum CBD

What features do users attract to broad spectrum CBD? Consider the following benefits of broad-spectrum CBD products:

Entourage effect – comes as close as possible to the entourage effect you get without including THC in the mix.

Legal – no matter how restrictive a jurisdiction in which you live, no THC means it is completely legal.

Without psychotropics – for people worried about being affected by THC, even traces, it eases any worries

Reasons why people do not use broad-spectrum CBD more often include:

Hemp aroma – as with the full spectrum of CBD, the strong presence of hemp aromas may discourage some users

Limited benefits – full spectrum CBD supporters rely on the additional benefits that a tiny amount of THC can provide

Fortunately for those living in areas that do not allow any THC content in CBD products, broad spectrum is an excellent and viable alternative.

CBD isolate

As the term indicates, CBD isolate uses a process in which CBD is separated from the other compounds found in cannabis and hemp. It is made exclusively from cannabidiol and excludes all other compounds produced from hemp or cannabis, including terpenes, flavonoids and any other phytocannabinoid.

Through the magic and miracles of science, hemp plants can be designed to control the amount of CBD and THC they will produce. In the harvesting stage, the extraction process isolates all plant matter from CBD. What remains is not the oil, but a pure white crystalline powder – 99% pure CBD.

Advantages and disadvantages of isolated CBD

Why do people like to isolate CBD? Call them purists, if you want, but also think about these reasons for using CBD products:

Concentration – if you want pure CBD, then you want CBD isolated.

Drug Test – Nothing adverse can ever occur with any drug test you do.

Legal – you can order it online and you can find CBD products isolated more and more often in regular stores, maybe even in gas stations.

Non-psychotropic – it is literally impossible to feel any psychotic effect from CBD in isolation.

Odorless / flavorless – no need to worry about strange or bad tastes, odors, making it easy to mix with your favorite flavors.

Siguranță – puritatea CBD izolat îl face un refugiu sigur pentru cei îngrijorați de reacțiile adverse (fără efecte secundare!).

Versatile – easy to add to almost anything, great for pets and even for topical treatments.

The only objection that can be against the exclusive use of CBD in isolation is the loss of the “entourage effect”. It is not uncommon for most CBD enthusiasts to use a combination of full or broad spectrum CBD products at the same time as certain CBD isolates.

As the list of benefits of isolated CBD shows, this is a very popular form of CBD, which offers a lot of options without legal concerns or restrictions.

Nano CBD

The newest participant in the CBD market is nano CBD. Similar to nanotechnology, it involves the world of the little ones: the size of nanometers, more precisely, nanometers being only one billionth of a meter (0.000000001 meters).

It all comes down to improved CBD absorption in the human body. Nanod CBD manufacturers claim (naturally) that it can absorb four times more CBD into the system. For example, it is assumed that at 10 mg of normal CBD, only 2 mg is absorbed into the cells, but by using nano CBD, it jumps to 8 mg.

Other companies use nanotechnology to increase the water-solubility properties of CBD, a fat-soluble compound. This makes CBD infusion drinks the fastest growing segment on the CBD market.

In fact, any of the other three forms of CBD – full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolated – will use nanotechnology to create new CBD products. Knowing the term and its properties will give you an indication that something is wrong when used improperly.

Nano CBD Pro and Contra

For now, these are the known benefits of nano CBD:

Efficacy – Improved CBD absorption means more effective treatments

New – everyone likes to benefit from the latest technologies, even in CBD.

Reasons why people do not yet embrace nano CBD:

Accessibility – because this is a new technology, only a few manufacturers are committed to this new process, which makes it hard to find

Limited knowledge – to date, extraordinary claims have been made, but more independent studies are needed to demonstrate the suggested efficacy.

Marketing Gimmick – companies can claim nanotechnology without documented evidence, just to increase interest and sales (attention buyer!)

Overall, nano CBD shows a lot of promise, but skilled CBD consumers should be vigilant and consider CBD products with a “nano” name or label attached.

So here you have it… CBD in its varied and wonderful forms. As you have learned, some forms of CBD are easier to obtain than others (due to the presence of that THC compound), but no matter where you live, you can and should take advantage of the many benefits of CBD.


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