Cannabidiol – also known as CBD – is one of the main cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids interact with your endocannabinoid system, which helps your body stay in a state of balance and stability or homeostasis.
Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychoactive. Instead, it has a number of health benefits, such as reducing seizures in people with epilepsy and relieving pain from various ailments.
Some research and anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD can also help you sleep well. Here’s what you need to know about using CBD for sleep.
What research says about CBD and sleep
To understand whether CBD can improve sleep, we must first understand what causes sleep disorders.
According to the Mayo Clinic, insomnia can be caused by:
-mental health disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression
-medicines that can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle
-physical conditions such as chronic pain and restless legs syndrome
-caffeine, especially when consumed late in the day
-environmental factors, such as loud noises or an uncomfortable bed
-if your insomnia is caused by external factors or related conditions CBD an help treat the causes of insomnia.
While research on CBD is still in its infancy, some of it suggests that CBD can treat anxiety.
A 2019 publication looked at whether CBD could improve sleep or reduce anxiety. The study involved 72 subjects, of whom 47 had anxiety and 25 had poor sleep. Subjects were each given 25 milligrams (mg) of CBD in capsule form each day. In the first month, 79.2% of patients reported lower anxiety levels and 66.7% reported better sleep.
Pain, which can also cause sleep problems, can also be helped by CBD oil. A 2018 review, sourced in Pharmacology, noted that there is a large amount of evidence to support the claim that CBD relieves pain. The authors note that by reducing chronic pain, CBD may improve sleep.
Other research tells us that CBD affects the sleep cycle. Research in 2014 looked at four patients with Parkinson’s disease. CBD has been found to improve the symptoms of REM sleep disorder (RBD), a disorder in which a person realizes their dreams. RBD is associated with poor sleep and nightmares.
There are various ways to administer CBD in the form of:
- vapor concentrate
- oils and tinctures
- pills and capsules
- in the form of gums
The dose and timing of CBD depend on a number of factors, such as the structure of the body, the nature of sleep problems, which also affect how this oil works. What works for some people may not work for others.
Most clinical trials of CBD and sleep involved subjects who received 25 mg to 1500 mg of CBD per day. It is recommended that a minimum dose be given initially, and then gradually increased until the optimal dose is found.
Much research on CBD, anxiety, and sleep has shown that many patients do not immediately feel the effects. In a study done in 2019 it was mentioned that it took about a month until the subjects noticed improvements. We must be patient, the results are not long in coming.
CBD oils help with insomnia and insomnia
A good sleeping oil is also the one that works for insomnia. As previously mentioned, CBD treats the causes that can lead to insomnia, such as anxiety, stress, and neurological disorders. CBD interacts with the receptors and chemicals in the brain responsible for producing good sleep. CBD decreases REM sleep time, which is a sign of better sleep quality, meaning more NREM or dreamless sleep. NREM sleep is when neurological and physical healing occurs. With the intake of CBD, you will find yourself in a more restful and much better sleep.
CBD oils help with sleep apnea
The best CBD oil for sleep can also help treat sleep apnea. A study a few years ago showed that CBD oil showed positive results in 40 to 50 percent of individuals suffering from sleep apnea. Cannabinoids have a positive influence on the central and peripheral nervous system that appears to treat sleep apnea. CBD oil increases the muscle tone of the upper respiratory tract, resulting in a firmer glottis area, which in turn reduces the symptoms of sleep apnea.
Many drugs exist for the conventional treatment of sleep disorders. Sleeping pills, classified as hypnotic, help fight insomnia. But we can also cite neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, anxiolytics and antidepressants, when insomnia is due to a mental disorder. These medications are effective in helping sleep. However, they are addictive and have many side effects, such as decreased alertness, drowsiness during the day, memory problems, mood disorders.
CBD has no side effects and is not addictive.
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